
Welcome: Faith, Hope, and Love

Hello world! Welcome to the new website for Faith, Love, Hope – Juju’s Manor. We look forward to interacting with you on Twitter (@jujusmanor), Tumblr, Facebook, and other places on the web, but is the hub where you will find the greatest detail as we progress.

After you read our About Us and Objectives pages, we hope you will agree with us that our Mission is achievable. We are dedicated to serving vulnerable children in Haiti and when complete the Manor will be a safe and loving home to twenty children.

Encourage your friends, your synagogues, your temples, your lodges, your mosques, your churches and your families to support us. Please help us build a home for the children of Haiti now!

The Board of Juju’s Manor would like to thank Feargal Halligan and Sasha Wilson for the hours they spent building and designing this site. We deeply appreciate their generosity and skill.

The Radical Love of Druid Hills

Druid Hills United Methodist Church, located in Atlanta, Georgia, has been among the most consistent supporters of Faith, Love, Hope – Juju’s Manor. In addition to inviting our founder to present information about our organization at their church dinners, DHUMC raised $1500.00 to support our efforts at a yard sale organized by their youth group.

We would like to give special recognition to Johanna Alexander, Allison Ramsay and Mary Kathryn Tippett for their dedication to this cause.

To learn more about DHUMC, please visit and become a fan on Facebook.