“I was so impressed and this is the first one. I can’t wait to see what you will do next year.”
The above quote is representative of the sentiments attendees shared with us in the days following our first annual dinner dance. Happily, the event’s success has also inspired new volunteers who have been recruited as members of our planning committee.
The great success of our first event was made possible by those who gave so much of their time, talent and resources. We offer our sincere thanks to Cawado Jasmin, Emmanuel Valentin, Gladys Jules-Valentin, and Mimose Nelson for their tireless work in the days preceding the dance and on the day of the event. Joseph Jules, Neena, Muller, Deedee, Hilaire and Marvin, thank you for helping to set up, manage the door, and run the bar. Thank you to all of the volunteers who helped with serving food.
Please support the following people who have generously supported us through their businesses:
Monique Dure-Marcy will donate 20% from orders received through her website.
Marie Champagne will donate 10% from her sales.
Email Solange Laroche to purchase great gift baskets: Solangelaroche9@gmail.com
Thank you to the following organizations for their support:
Community Improvement and Development (CID). This organization is currently engaged in reforrestation in Mirebalais , Haiti. CID is now transplanting 10,000 trees in that area and needs your support to save Haiti from Natural disasters. CID is planting trees in Haiti one city at a time. Please visit cidhaiti.org for more info.
FEDADSE – Federation des Associations pour le Developpement du Sud-Est
ADA – Association pour le Developpement de l’Asile
ADMAB – Association pour le Developpement de Morne-a-Bruler
We’ll see you again in 2013!